
What is cooties slang for?

What is cooties slang for?

As a nickname for body lice or head lice, cooties first appeared in trenches slang in 1915. ... Later, the word “cooties,” came to be used loosely (and often humorously) to mean imaginary germs or bugs.

Is Cootie a bad word?

American children, however, have been using the word for several generations. The original cooties were very real and extremely nasty, since the word was first applied to body lice. It's a slang term intimately (and I mean that sincerely) associated with the military in World War One.

Can you get cooties from kissing?

Cooties (in this case, oral bacteria) can be passed on from one person to another any time saliva is shared. This transmission of bacteria can occur when kissing. In the dental field, the evidence of these cooties are seen in the form of cavities, also known as dental caries.

Do girls have cooties?

It's official: women really do have cooties. ... Not all women carry such destructive strands of the cootie virus — some may only leave you incapacitated for a month or two, leaving behind a minor scar that will fade over time.

What's another name for cooties?

What is another word for cooties?
body licebosom friends

Is cooties a real thing?

Cooties is a fictitious childhood disease, commonly represented as childlore. It is used in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the Philippines as a rejection term and an infection tag game (such as Humans vs. Zombies).

Are cooties contagious?

Second, cooties are both extremely common and extremely contagious. Just one brush against Jimmy, and you're definitely going to get infected. While SARS or Legionnaire's disease are contagious, they're not THAT contagious—one touch won't do you in.

What is a cootie in America?

Among North American children, cooties are an imaginary germ with which a socially undesirable person, or one of the opposite sex, is said to be infected.

What is the opposite of cooties?

Opposite of a small arthropod that has six legs and, generally, wings. bigwig. eminence. figure. kahuna.

What is the cure for cooties?

Thankfully, unlike meningitis, cooties is 100% curable and preventable with the cooties shot. Obviously, cooties isn't really quite like any real disease.

What is another word for cooties?

What is another word for cooties?
body licebosom friends

How do you stop cooties?

In many play areas, female and male populations will draw chalk dividing lines to separate the genders thereby limiting exposure. Complete avoidance of the opposite sex is the only certain way to prevent cooties.

What are the symptoms for cooties?

Cooties game Often the "infected" person is someone who is perceived as different, due to disability, shyness, being of the opposite sex, or having peculiar mannerisms.