
Who died filming Ben Hur?

Who died filming Ben Hur?

However, someone did die during production: the film's producer, Sam Zimbalist. He died of a heart attack, reportedly shortly after leaving the set one day, just weeks before the film was finished.

Is the movie Ben Hur based on a true story?

Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ is an 1880 novel by American author Lew Wallace. And since it's a novel, that means the tale of Ben-Hur is 100 percent fiction, wholly created by Wallace. ... It uses the fictional character of Judah Ben-Hur to work as an allegory for Jesus' life.

Are horses trained to fall in movies?

1 Answer. Nowadays, horses are trained to fall safely. Almost all animal performances are under the close supervision of the Film and TV unit of the American Humane Association. Stunt horses can be trained to fall on command safely.

Do they really hurt animals in movies?

Since 1939, the American Humane Association has monitored the treatment of animal actors on sets of thousands of films, giving most of them its famous seal of approval, stating that "No animals were harmed" in the making of the movie.

Do actors really ride horses?

“Most of the actors' horses or background stunt horses come either from Madrid or Seville, or from Ireland, as they are clever, easy to train and they look good.”