
What is trademark in simple words?

What is trademark in simple words?

A trademark is a unique symbol or word(s) used to represent a business or its products. Once registered, that same symbol or series of words cannot be used by any other organization, forever, as long as it remains in use and proper paperwork and fees are paid.

What are examples of trademark?

Almost anything can be a trademark if it indicates the source of your goods and services. It could be a word, slogan, design, or combination of these....Some standard character examples include:
  • Coca-Cola®
  • Under Armour®
  • Twitter®
  • It's finger lickin' good! ®
  • Just do it®
  • America runs on Dunkin'®

What is trademark English?

The term trademark refers to a recognizable insignia, phrase, word, or symbol that denotes a specific product and legally differentiates it from all other products of its kind. A trademark exclusively identifies a product as belonging to a specific company and recognizes the company's ownership of the brand.

What is a trademark used for?

A trademark typically protects brand names and logos used on goods and services. A copyright protects an original artistic or literary work. A patent protects an invention. For example, if you invent a new kind of vacuum cleaner, you would apply for a patent to protect the invention itself.

What are the benefits of a trademark?

Top 5 Advantages of U.S. Trademark Registration
  • A Federal Trademark Registration Protects Against Infringement. ...
  • A Federal Trademark Registration Provides Nationwide Validity. ...
  • A Federal Trademark Registration is a Valuable Asset. ...
  • Unique Trademarks Helps Customers Find You.

How does a trademark work?

A trademark protects a good or service offered by a company from infringement or damage of reputation by another company. With a trademark, you have legal recourse to sue another company that uses your likeness to further their own business ventures. This includes both registered and unregistered trademarks.

Is Coca Cola a trademark?

The Coca-Cola Corp owns the trademark to the name Coca-Cola, as well as the trademark on the bottle shape, and the graphic representation of their name. These are all things that help distinguish them from other cola brands and define their individual product. Coca-Cola also owns the patent on their formula.

Is slogan a trademark?

Therefore, it is seen that brand taglines have been recognised as trademarks in India provided they have acquired distinctiveness through goodwill and secondary meaning. It is also seen that trade slogans can be used to describe particular unique commercial features of the brand's products and services.

Are trademarks International?

Trademarks are territorial and must be filed in each country where protection is sought. ... As of April 2014, U.S. applicants can concurrently seek protection in up to 92 countries. For more information on filing an international application, see the Madrid Protocol.

Is my trademark meaning?

A trademark is a distinctive feature of something or someone, and to trademark is to brand something, especially in a legal sense. ... That's her trademark. A trademark is something specific to a person that can be used to identify her.

Can I use TM without registering?

The (TM) symbol actually has no legal meaning. You can use the symbol on any mark that your company uses without registering it. ... But as mentioned, there is no legal protection when using TM. If you use a mark that infringes on someone else's trademark, you still put yourself at risk for legal trouble.

Can you make money off a trademark?

But registering a trademark isn't just an opportunity for entrepreneurs to preserve all of their hard work from getting used by another company – it's another way to make money too. Some trademarks are worth billions. Google's trademark value totals a whopping $44.3 billion. ... Walmart's weighs in at $36.2 billion.

Is it necessary to trademark a logo?

Since trademarks are used to identify a company or brand, it makes the most sense to file for trademark protection on the brand name, logo or image. ... So, if you are investing in a brand image, you should seek a trademark registration to protect it. But, your image may also qualify for copyright protection as well.

What is Coke trademark?

The Coca-Cola Corp owns the trademark to the name Coca-Cola, as well as the trademark on the bottle shape, and the graphic representation of their name. These are all things that help distinguish them from other cola brands and define their individual product. Coca-Cola also owns the patent on their formula.

Is Adidas a trademark?

All trademarks, service marks and trade names of adidas used herein (including but not limited to: the adidas name, the adidas corporate logo, the adidas trefoil Design, and the Three Stripe logo) are trademarks or registered trademarks of adidas or its affiliates.

Can I use someone else's slogan?

Just because a company has trademark rights, those rights do not absolutely prohibit anyone else from using the same name, logo, or tagline. ... The same exact trademark you use can be used on a substantially different product or in a substantially different industry.

Are UK trademarks International?

International trade mark protection. You can apply to register your trade mark in countries which have signed-up to an agreement, called the 'The Madrid Protocol'. ... If you apply through the UK office, your international application must be identical to your UK trade mark application or registration.

How much do Trademarks cost?

The cost to trademark a name at the federal level ranges from $225 to $400 plus legal fees or $50 to $150 for a state trademark. The average cost to trademark a logo is $225 to $600 plus any legal fees....Trademark Cost.
National Average Cost$424
Minimum Cost$225
Maximum Cost$2,000
Average Range$275 to $660